- March 1, 2022 - 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Are you a parent who is feeling stressed? Overwhelmed? Are you worried about your child(ren) and how they are doing? Are you worried about how you are doing? Come join a discussion with Cris Stanek, LCSW about how to support your child(ren) and why support for you is also necessary. Each session is one hour. This is not a lecture, but a chance to learn, grow, and discuss the hard stuff. RSVP by emailing jmcniff@normalfirst.org.
Week 1: Parenting in a Pandemic: Supporting Each Other (Feb. 1st @ 12 pm or Feb 9th @ 6:30 pm)
Week 2: How Trauma Shows Up in Children (Feb. 16th @ 11:30 am or Feb. 23rd @ 6:30 pm)
Week 3: Responding to Trauma Behaviors (March 1st @ 12 pm or March 9th @ 6:30 pm)
Week 4: Building Resiliency in Our Children: Tips and Tricks (March 16th @ 11:30 am or March 23rd @ 6:30 pm)