- June 13, 2021 - 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Our beautiful sanctuary is decorated for Christmas and we welcome you to spend a little time in there in preparation for Christmas.
*We have designated 3 dates (Dec 16, 19, & 21).
*On each of these days, there are multiple 15-minute time slots, with a maximum of 10 people at a time.
*In the sanctuary, you can have some quiet moments by yourself.
*You can speak with a pastor and have a prayer together.
*Parents and children can participate in our traditional Prayer of Blessing for the Children.
Simply sign-up below for the date and time that you will come. Make sure to indicate the number of people in your group (including yourself).
*We ask you to enter at door A (the main entrance to the Sanctuary on School Street).
*Then you’ll exit through the Narthex.
*In addition to the sanctuary, you’ll have the opportunity to stop by the Chapel.
Please wear your mask and we ask everyone to be socially distant.
May you sense God’s presence in this season of Advent.
Pastors Kathy, Kent, and Kim
Sign up link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d4bafaf2ba1fcc25-sanctuary