Until determined safe, worship services are celebrated on-line on Saturday around 5:00pm or Sundays at 9:30am. You can access the Worship service by clicking on the link on the Homepage, by accessing it anytime on the Watch Online center, or by visiting our Facebook page.
Virtual Fellowship follows Worship using ZOOM around 5:45am on Saturdays and around 10:15am on Sundays. A link will be available on the Homepage or you can contact Kim Burke - for a link.
Some ministries have been postponed indefinitely while others have opportunities to participate differently.
Check out our Ministries and Groups pages and to find contact information to inquire about a certain ministry or group.
In person offering is suspended for now, but you can donate securely online, or visit the Giving page to find more ways to Give.
The Church office is currently closed until further notice. Feel free to email or call at or 309.452.2096.